Create your own fantasy poll

It seems like everyone else creates polls these days. You don't even know if they're true or not. What don't create your own?

see polls

Who, what, where

Who are these people?

They can be anyone you like. Depressed suburban moms? Checked. Angry overworked dads? Checked. Blue hair activists? Drug dealers? Illegal immigrants? All checked.

What are the topics?

It's up to your imagination. The current election? checked. Upcoming high school football season? checked.


Anywhere you like. The hood? Absolutely. The newest homeless encampment in your city? Even better.

Will there be summary?

Yes there will be short summary. You can expand it using free AI service e.g

Will there be charts?

You betcha. Line chart, bar chart, pie chart, etc. It won't be as fancy as fivethirtyeight or civiqs. But it'll do for now.

Can it be fake?

Absolutely. It can be as fake as you want. From I-can't-believe-it's-not-butter fake to hair-plug fake. Just as fake as most polls out there.


Can I get a refund?
Once you create a poll and paid for it, no refund.

How do I get in touch?
You can get in touch with me at or @marvki_w on X

Will I have run ins with the law?
As long as you put a disclaimer at the bottom that this is for entertainment purposes only, no.